By: Jessica Vue, Sincerely, Southern staff

Danny Waugh attended Georgia Southern University in the fall of 2012 and initially majored in communications before changing to journalism. After playing basketball and football in high school, Waugh knew that he wasn’t going to play on the collegiate level and decided to become involved in sports through sports journalism.
“In high school, I played a lot of sports: basketball, all four years, football for two years,” Waugh said. “I knew that I wasn’t going to play collegiate athletics or anything like that. I knew if I wasn’t going to play sports, I was going to at least cover sports and be around it.”
During his time at Georgia Southern, Waugh was a radio host for “The Final Buzz” and “Southern Smackdown” alongside his friends. He was also a sports reporter for The George-Anne and a sports anchor and camera operator for the university’s Multimedia Development Center.
Waugh graduated in 2016 and interned at the Florida Collegiate Summer League, working as a team broadcaster for the Sanford River Rats.
While applying for jobs, Waugh received a call from GSU’s Multimedia Development Center about a part-time job opening. During that time, Waugh also worked in Hinesville as a part-time sports reporter at the Coastal Courier.
He worked at GSU’s Multimedia Development Center part-time for two years until a full-time position opened up in January 2018. Waugh now works as a communications specialist and is best known for his play-by-plays for Georgia Southern Athletics videos, True Blue Live, ESPN 3 and ESPN+.