By Alonna Gibbs & Alexa Ovington

Georgia Southern's Minority Advisement Program stresses the importance of not drinking and driving during homecoming week.
Minority Advisement Program Sponsor and Mentor Monique Edwards talks about the importance of alcohol awareness. Edwards stressed the importance of knowing not to drink and drive.
Bulloch County has been considered "dry" since 1938 according to the Statesboro Herald. The alcohol laws in Statesboro only allows the sale of packaged beer and wine on Sunday's between 12:30 p.m. and 11 p.m. and Monday through Saturday between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and midnight.
With the mayoral and Bulloch County election coming up in November, Bulloch County residents will be allowed to decide on if the county should remain dry. "I would actually say that we should remain a dry county", according to MAP's Director of Recruitment Monique Edwards. Edwards stated that Bulloch County should remain dry for "those who are underaged". "Keeping the county dry, I feel as though lessens the damages that can be done", said Edwards.
During the interview she stated that MAP's reasoning for hosting 'Blurred Lines' is to highlight the importance of being mindful and conscious of while consuming alcohol. On the November 2nd ballot Statesboro and Register County residents will be voting on if distilled alcohol should be permitted.